Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mile 907 - 1153

While Kings canyon was wild and rugged, Yosemite was smooth and serene. Wide meadows, bubbling Brooks and much smoother terrain. We were primarily in the back country, but we did do a quick jaunt into the valley that everyone knows. But that re-entered us back into society where we turned into a tourist attraction. Some looked at us like we were homeless bums while others were eager to know our story.

Devils postpone Nat. Monument.

We still had to cross rugged terrain to get to Yosemite via ansel Adams wilderness.

This is garnet lake and was my favourite. This was not on the PCT. We detoured off the pct and took the jmt to get here.

And we still had snow fields to cross 

 Now we're in Yosemite. Wide meadows and much easier grade.

 Rangers constantly were checking our permits and for bear canisters out here.
 Trail angel 'legend' who served spaghetti and pancakes.

 Absent in the parks were the pct blazes. Seeing this old one they couldn't remove was like seeing an old friend.

 Yosemite being lower in elevation brought out the plants and flowers.
But also mucky wet trail.

Still have river crossings here, most of time we go up or down river to find a log.

 But then we come across rivers like this that are to wide for logs. So we make a decision wheter or not to take our shoes off when fourding it. Most of time I just charged it.

 We decided to go high tech and use a sign for resupply..
 Picked up by a couple of teenagers Kimberly and Miguel. But first we had to accompany them on their sight seeing tour. We had a good time with them.
Sam got over 900 miles in these. She almost shed a tear throwing them out.

 We left Yosemite here and the terrain immediately changed. It was also emotional as I laid my mother to rest here off trail at a remote lake and meadow. This photo is the last look at the national parks as we left.

This is my mom's grove. Her essence will forever be apart of this tree.

 Entering lava terrain with much fewer trees.

 1000 miles!!! Sorry it's upside down.

Hmmmm, thought we were done with snow.
 Trial is now mostly rocks.

 We used sonora resupply here. He met us here to give us our box.
 'Turtle' hiked with us up this mountain. - Hey Turtle, you were smart to turn back. Snow fields on the other side were crazy.
 Big difference between thru hikers and backpackers is the size of the packs.

 Getting closer...

Met this extremely friendly couple out on the trail who took us to South Tahoe. Thank you so much, you saved us from a difficult day! You are now trail angels.

 Nice to see flowers again.
Visited a Dr Seuss exhibit. I want some of these, if only I had $10,000 to spend on an art piece.

Spent some time in Tahoe for rehab. We went 150 miles without a break, the longest yet and I was feeling it. We usually take a day off after 100. Towards the end of these stretches I question what the heck I'm doing this for. But after a good bed, rest and a real meal I find myself eager to get back. I would have to say the mental challenge is harder than the physical one.

We're getting good at this.

Got picked up by zombie, moonboots, Mike and his friend..(šŸ˜’ sorry, can't remember your name) super cool Kats who picked us up willing to lend a hand to those in need asking for nothing in return even though we tried. Thank you for an interesting trip...

Well now the race begins. We have to go 20 - 25 miles a day from here on out to beat the Washington winter. Wish us luck.

SAM: Dejamos Mammoth Lakes para continuar al norte de california ^^
Desde que pasamos Mt. Whitney, estuvimos compartiendo el camino con los que caminaban en direccion contraria en el camino de John Muir, que es solo desde Yosemite Valley hasta Mt. Whitney, lo estuvimos compartiendo hasta que salimos de Mammoth Lakes, el PCT y el JMT se dividian y eventualmente se reencontraban en Tuolomne Meadows que es donde debiamos ir, de acuerdo a lo que todo el mundo nos dijo el JMT era mucho mas bonito, y poe lo que vimos en el mapa, era la misma distancia y ni mas facil ni mas dificil, asi que simplemente decidimos tomar el JMT y disfrutar de los lagos un poco mas (Ya que el PCT no pasaba por ningun lago y solo pasaba por la misma linea de bosque todo el camino).

Saliendo de las sierras aun pudimos disfrutar de la belleza de las sierras, aunque estuvieramos a menos altura, pero seguia siendo hermoso ademas de entrar al parque nacional de Yosemite :3

Avanzamos a Tuolumne Medows, donde teniamos acceso al pueblo de Yosemite, nos tomaria un tiempo y ademas era hora de que yo comprara nuevos zapatos xD por lo que decidimos darnos unas pequeƱas vacaciones aunque sea de dos dias xD y no nos arrepentimos.

Los que nos acercaron al pueblo desde Tuolomne ^^

Mis zapatillas viejas T_T

Regresamos a Tuolomne dos dias despues para continuar caminando, salimos de las sierras "majesticas" por llamarlo de alguna forma, ya que seguiamos estando en ellas, asi que nos tocaba el paisaje mas rocoso del parque nacional de Yosemite, y no fue nada decepcionante.

Simplemente fue diferente y bonito, y poco a poco como se veia en las fotos empezabamos a entrar a un terreno mas desertico, pero con muchas mas flores, aunque eso no se puede apreciar bien en las fotos, lo que mas nos sorprendio fueron los aromas, habian plantas pequeƱas, flores y arbustos, todos aromaticos, lo cual hizo la experiencia agradable.

Despues de eso, y de ya haber salido del parque nacional, lo cual esta menos patrullado y empezabamos a cruzar pistas otra vez, llegamos a Sonora Pass, simplemente un trozo de pista donde habia un campamento en medio de la nada, donde nos esperaba un seƱor con una caja con comida para que simplemente empacaramos y siguieramos adelante, teniamos la opcion de llegar hasta Bridgeport, el pueblo mas cercano, pero de acuerdo a todo el mundo era demasiado dificil llegar o encontrar a alguien que nos acercara, era mi cumpleaƱos, pero cuando estas en medio de la nada eso no te preocupa, aunque mi papa estaba algo triste de no poder hacer nada xD, era mi decision, y sabia que si ibamos a Bridgeport, no nos quedariamos mucho tiempo en el siguiente pueblo, que era South lake Tahoe, asi que decidi que aunque tomara mas tiempo hasta conseguir seƱal (y una ducha), preferia poder disfrutarlo por mas tiempo seguido, asi que decidimos continuar para llegar a South lake Tahoe.

Porfin llegamos al aparcamiento donde conseguiriamos a alguien que nos lleve a South lake tahoe, y para nuestra suerte lo conseguimos bastante rapido ^^

Visitamos la ciudad y comimos en un buffet de casino :))) y ahora estamos descansando debido a algunas ampollas y buscando una mochila nueva para mi papa, pronto estaremos en marcha otra vez ^^